June 21 -- Summer Solstice. We had a restless night at anchor. The northerly breeze built overnight into a gusty wind that rattled rigging all over the anchorage; Taz fidgeted and swung to random gusts coming over the top of Newcastle Island. I was up most of the night listening to strange new boat noises and getting up to find out what they were (a classic case of New Skipper-itis). In the morning the wind had built to 20+ knots from the NW, and we had a bit of a beat to get out of the harbour and around the northern end of Gabriola Island. Here my partner-in-crime steers for a bit while I take a quick snapshot. We're flying "jib and jigger" (foresail and mizzen, both slightly reefed) and motoring slowly to keep her pointing and footing high. I'm not confident enough yet to raise the main in this air, and quite frustrated to be motorsailing on our first fine day out.
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